Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More on the Chun

This post will just be random since I've let too much time past since the last post. Now that I have a reliable VPN I should be posting more often!

Pets for sale on the street include:
 - turtles, mice, bunnies, kittens, puppies and the list goes on...

Oh, check out these goldfish in teeny, tiny ziplock bags. The guy claimed they didn't need to be fed and would live for a month. They are sold as keychains or trinkets for your cell phone...

Street meat!

The streets are lined with food vendors (and this is in the winter). With the warmer weather coming people are selling everything imaginable on the streets. Food, pets, clothes, electronics, and the list goes on...

People spend their whole day carving and selling pineapples.


Beggers/the homeless

You can pretty much find someone asking for money on every corner. This guy is missing his foot and every single day you can see him outside writing on the sidewalk with chalk while exposing what's left of his foot. Even though we see him everyday, it's not something you get used to.

Paul's Pizza

One of the places we go to be reminded of home. Hands down, the creepiest place to get a pizza I've ever been to. The pizza here isn't exactly the same as home, but it's close enough.

The second hotel we stayed in. This one was so nice that at times I would forget we were half way across the world. Oh, and I flooded one of the rooms here... 

Our May holiday is coming up so hopefully I will have better pictures to post!

many thanks,
shelly ♥

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