Saturday, February 20, 2010

Other Changchun blogs

There's not much to find on the worldwide web about Changchun, but I did manage to stumble upon on a few useful blogs: (5 days to go!)

many thanks,
shelly ♥

Monday, February 15, 2010

盆栽 before & after: Japanese Juniper

I've had this Juniper for months and kept postponing it. Now, with 10 days left before I fly out I thought I would turn it into a bonsai for my mom to enjoy while I'm gone.

I would say this took about 4 hours; lots of sawing, dirt flying (into my bloody eye!), trimming, wiring (which is only temporary), pinching.... and... TA DA!!

Just pulled out of the oversized pot it was in.



after I chopped off 3/4 of the roots





many thanks!
shelly ♥

Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy ♥ day

Stumbled upon this; Happy Valentines Day! (and Chinese New Year)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

my 盆栽 collection

I finally set aside some time aside to get my hands dirty and give some of the trees a haircut.

Rhododendron in bloom.
Approx. 10 years old

I finally managed get this thing to flower. I've tried every method over the past 6 months and then I just gave up and stuck it under a grow bulb and... TA DA! Not bad.

Scene below Rhodo

 Japanese Juniper
Approx. 5 years old
I didn't put much work into this one, just a bit of wire to train the left cloud.

Kingsvillle Boxwood
10 years old

 Kingsville tire swing super-macro shot